024 Facts & Forensics

Criminal & Civil Investigators at Trial

Criminal or Civil Investigators

News of our Profession

  • FALI says goodbye to Tim O’Rourke a multi-term President, GIMG.tv founder, and President of TheGraftonGroup.org a Tampa Private Investigation firm
  • NCISS holds Hit the Hill and 40th Annual Conference with elections – Dean elected President and receives Wunder Award – details at http://conta.cc/1Vm1NhM
  • Conferences around the country

Conversations with Karen

Karen will talk about the importance of criminal defense investigators, as well as the importance of civil investigators – and some

008 Investigators Hotline



During this Investigators Hotline, your host Rory McMahon speaks with Danny Waxler, one of his original students and investigators who worked for him before he (Danny) opened up his own private investigative business in his home state of Texas.   This interview was conducted in Austin, TX during the first week in September at Danny’s home.

Danny speaks about his 18 years in the business and the many different experiences he has had over the years.

005 Facts & Forensics



The PI-Map from GIMG.tv
GIMG.tv has just added a new link at the top of our page called “The PI-Map”. http://gimg.tv/map/

NCISS Legislative Alerts (www.NCISS.org)
NCISS Regulatory Alert: Call to Action for Unfair Licensing Requirements
Your action is needed.  Please see the full NCISS Legislative Alert for details of how you can help, members and non-members of NCISS.
US Supreme Court to hear case which regarding state licensing board authority
NCISS  urges the Supreme Court to require lower courts to inquire as to whether the regulatory means employed by the licensing board are congruent with a legitimate governmental end.