031 Facts & Forensics


Special Offer for Listeners – latest book now available!
“Investigating Death and Serious Bodily Injuries”
FALI is offering, for a limited time, our Investigating Death & Serious Bodily Injuries book, “Death and Serious Bodily Injury Investigation for the Professional Investigator,” by Dean & Karen Beers.

These are for a limited time! The guide is under revision and will be released this summer for $95 – save 1/3 off the price now at just $70, including shipping with 50% net proceeds going to FALI!


The manual is over 200 pages and begins with the core of the Beers’s distance learning course manual. It includes over 20 additional forensic, death and serious bodily injury based articles.

Conversations with Karen

Karen joins us with two interesting topics of discussion – Is it Homicide or Suicide and Every Contact Leaves a Trace.

Every Contact Leaves a Trace 
Recently friends and colleagues ‘across the pond’ – Phil and Yin Johnson of JJ Associates International (www.jjassociatesinternational.com) – shared a video on social media, entitled “Every contact leaves a trace” by John Sutherland at TEDxLondon (https://youtu.be/ibl3M4dTF2U). Mr. Sutherland is a Metro London Police officer and shares experiences we have practiced during the nearly 30-year course of our agency – truly, every contact does leave a trace and we will look for them. Most people think of forensic trace evidence; however, this was a concept of our long before we were involved in forensics.
Continued at www.deathcasereview.com/afi-llc-blog/every-contact-leaves-a-trace

“Is it Homicide or Suicide – Test Your Observation Skills”
Recently a friend and colleague of ours shared a cartoon picture of a death scene on social networking. Our thanks to Tom Slovenski (Cellular Forensics – www.cellularforensics.com – SC) for sharing this thought provoking cartoon.

This depicts a gunshot wound and asking if this was murder or suicide, based on the picture. Dean’s response was ‘murder’; but, not because it was obviously – or likely – murder. The answer is because it should be investigated as a murder. Suicide is, in part, the exclusion of Homicide, Accident, Natural and Undetermined.
Continued at www.deathcasereview.com/afi-llc-blog/is-it-homicide-or-suicide-test-your-observation-skills

Special Guest with Dean

Brandon Perron, CCDI, CFI-FTER, returns to talk about FTER – Forensic Testimonial Evidence Recovery and how he developed it, the importance to investigators, and the training and certification process. He also shares an upcoming opportunity for listeners to take advantage of!

Here is Brandon’s last guest appearance – http://gimg.tv/022-facts-forensics/#more-732

Here is the special event for FTER training and certification – https://ppiac.wildapricot.org/event-2454623

Association News
Upcoming conferences and meetings from associations:
— TALI – 2017 Annual Conference August 22-25, San Antonio TX – Dean is speaking on Death / Murder Investigations – www.tali.org/2017-conference
— NCISS – 2017 Mid-Term Meeting September 13th, Westminster, CO. – www.NCISS.org
— PPIAC – 2017 Annual Conference September 14th FTER Pre-Conference and 15th & 16th regular conference, Westminster, CO. – https://ppiac.wildapricot.org/event-2454623

Legislative and News of Our Profession

With a new administration and Congress, most of the focus for Congress has not been on legislation that would impact our professions. However, there is a Call to Action from NCISS on pending GPS bills in the Senate and House – completely prohibiting the use of this technology by our profession. NCISS has met with the bill sponsors and staff, as well as key committees to provide language that would give our profession the ability to use GPS trackers for lawful purposes under, such as the language in North Carolina. Note – state law can, and is in some cases (i.e. Florida) more restrictive. Here is the Call to Action information – https://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/50788/c/148/p/dia/action3/common/public/

Be sure and keep up with all the latest legislative news from at www.nciss.org/important-nciss-news

Facts & Forensics Sponsors

Contact the show!Associates@DeathCaseReview.com and www.DeathCaseReview.com or call (970) 480-7793

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