024 Facts & Forensics

Criminal & Civil Investigators at Trial

Criminal or Civil Investigators

News of our Profession

  • FALI says goodbye to Tim O’Rourke a multi-term President, GIMG.tv founder, and President of TheGraftonGroup.org a Tampa Private Investigation firm
  • NCISS holds Hit the Hill and 40th Annual Conference with elections – Dean elected President and receives Wunder Award – details at http://conta.cc/1Vm1NhM
  • Conferences around the country

Conversations with Karen

Karen will talk about the importance of criminal defense investigators, as well as the importance of civil investigators – and some



Computer Forensics: What Clients Need to Know

The digital age we live in has opened up a whole new area for Private Investigators, “Computer forensics.” Be it a laptop, a tablet, a phone, or any other digital device, there is key evidence that can be provided for both criminal and civil cases. A law firm often engages a private investigator to obtain information for a case.